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Times They are A-Changin' in Post-cookie Advertising


With the announcement of 2022 as when Google will phase out the third-party cookie, we're now all aware that inevitable changes are coming to the online advertising industry & Co.

To be frank, third-party cookies have outlived their lifecycle. And as with all big structural changes we first scramble to understand and deal with the inevitable changes it means for us. But an increasing demand for privacy safe interactions online is a given.

“Users are demanding greater privacy - including transparency, choice and control over how their data is used - and it’s clear the web ecosystem needs to evolve to meet these increasing demands.”

- Justin Schuh, director of Chrome Engineering at Google

Look for 1. party data tools to enrich your targeting
Look for 1. party data tools to enrich your targeting

It's important to stress that third-party cookies are used for many kinds of (privacy safe) interactions between platforms. Meaning, we must reflect on and find new ways to work with transparent data models, and leave the old school of tracking personal data via cookies.

No cookie apocalypse

The big post-cookie apocalyptic chaos is called off though, but the trend is crystal clear: Google is also working to detect and mitigate covert tracking and workarounds by launching new anti-fingerprinting measures.

Look for 1. party data tool

The race to find ways to thrive in a post-cookie ad-world is on!

NDR has your back with our ID-Free Targeting solution that segments neighborhoods, not individuals. Our targeting tool allows you to work with your or your clients' own 1. party data - alternatively use our Audience Builder which is based on official consumer classifications and geo-tagging neighborhoods with similar consumers.

"One crucial point is that not all cookies are disappearing. First-party cookies — created by the domain a user visits so it can remember shopping carts or usernames — are unaffected by the bonfire of trackers. Indeed, their value has increased as a source of data to tailor ads to individuals."

In collaboration with world-class data sources like Kantar, InsightOne, TransUnion and Experian, we offer you a superior tool to help enrich your targeting in the transparent post-cookie advertising era.

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