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In Awe Of Nordic Martech


It's not hot news off the press but we continue to be in awe of Nordic martech as more and more companies are now valued at at least NOK 1 billion. The Nordic martech portal reported the exclusive list in June 2022 and it is still a thrill to read.

But smaller is not lesser, and we are here to help you respectfully build and reach your unique audience in the Nordics. We offer predefined audience packs as well as we can support you in creating a privacy-first data strategy to launch campaigns in sync with next-generation non-intrusive targeting.

Flere og flere nordiske martech-selskaper er nå verdsatt til minst én milliard kroner.
Flere og flere nordiske martech-selskaper er nå verdsatt til minst én milliard kroner.

Privacy-Safe Targeting In The Nordics

The Nordic martech portal has created an overview of the Nordic region's most valuable martech companies. To get on the list, they have set a limit of at least NOK

1 billion in value.

Among the companies to get attention are Scrive, BannerFlow, Upsales, DanAds, OneFlow, Falcon,, Penneo, Unacast, Clerk and Depict.

But smaller is not lesser. Respectful and transparent targeting without relying on tracking private user data through third-party cookies is highly valuable to any Nordic advertiser, agency, and publisher. Give us a call and we'll tell you more.

Next-Gen Non-Intrusive Reach

Our dynamic cluster algorithm can pinpoint relevant geographical hot spots for hundreds and hundreds of social-demographic characteristics as well as consumer attitudes and preferences.

This allows you to easily and privacy-safely build a privacy-first data strategy to launch campaigns in sync with next-generation non-intrusive targeting.

To begin testing small cookieless campaigns and examining your (re-)targeting strategy can be a very responsible action towards your future successful digital advertising.

And we are here to help you hold the fort with predefined audience packs while you start exploring a campaign strategy without third-party cookies.

Our team of experienced consultants can help you create new insight & reach by building, validating, and activating your audience on multiple integrated platforms - in minutes. Not days or weeks.

You are very welcome to get in touch with us to hear more.

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