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BigTechs alternative: NDR highlighted by Adform


In the Norwegian media KOM24, Jan Berthrand Danielsen, senior account director at Adform, comments on a call from ANFO (the Norwegian Advertisers' Association) for a higher pace of development within adtech to offer a wider range of products that are compatible with GDPR and Schrems II.

"If you look a little away from Google and Facebook, there are already solutions within adtech that offer the value chains and solutions ANFO demands."

Jan Berthrand Danielsen, senior account director at Adform, acknowledge the valid points about the challenges of adtech. He underlines though that ANFO's comments also

shows that they lack a full overview over what is available from technology that works independently of the major US suppliers.

Adtech responsibilities

Ownership of data, and/or leaving the suppliers who can not prove that personal data never leaves the EU, is one of Danielsen's main conclusions.

Parallel to cleaning up of the systems used, he points to the need to have an updated overview of which suppliers can help achieve marketing goals in the most effective way possible, while operating in accordance with both GDPR and restrictions by Schrems II.

Here, Nordic Data Resources is highlighted by Jan Berthrand Danielsen for our partnership with the omnichannel targeting platform:

"Among point solutions, ie technology that will solve a limited part of digital marketing, you will find good examples of technology that either does not process personal data, or processes it on European servers. Have a look at the cookie-independent targeting from Nordic Data Resources, who even offers activation of publishers' 1st party data on their platform."

With IDFree agencies & advertisers can build, validate and activate the same audience across the digital omnichannel. The same message, to the same people at the same time without cookies or IDs. 100% privacy and 100% respect for the users.

Give us a ping if you want to hear more about a thorough alternative to the BigTech adtech suppliers.

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